Udeležba na sejmih.

Kulinarično-vinski sejem v Torinu

The Salone only really came to life the second time round in 1998, with the introduction of the Market. The event attracted 120,000 visitors and turned the elitist approach to quality gastronomy upside down. It transformed into pleasure and rights an interest that until then had been the preserve of an elect few.

The project forged ahead just as avant-garde intellectuals were beginning to formulate a critical analysis of globalization.

In 2000 the Italian presidia made their debut, to be joined by their international counterparts in 2002, a year in which the Salone was flanked by the third Slow Food Award for the Defense of Biodiversity. The seed had been sown for Terra Madre, the world meeting of food communities which, held for the first time in 2004, attracted 5,000 peasant farmers, artisans and fisherfolk from 130 countries


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